Friday, 25 June 2010

Outstanding updates...

Sebenarnya Mast berniat nak update activities sepanjang May & June tapi otak ni macam blank and Mast cari camera tak jumpa (sejak kes rumah masuk pencuri hari tu, sebelum keluar, mesti akan sorak barang2 yang berharga. tapi yang susahnya, bila nak pakai, cari tak jumpa2).

Last two months Mast busy dengan exam & classes. Lagipun kesihatan Mast agak tak memberangsangkan. Alhamdulillah, exam dah abis. Insya'Allah, result pun oklah.

Ingat lepas exam, bolehlah enjoy, kuar jalan-jalan masa weekend dengan Acap. Tapi Mast dah di request untuk work every Saturday and kalo boleh stay back in the evening. Hmmm..apa boleh buat, kerja je lah..dah sumber rezki kita.

Almost six months I got married..kejap je kan? Most people ask me hows married life? For me, nothing much different. I still have to cook, clean, work, study & etc. But in term of sharing life, we are still in the process of knowing and understand each other.

Even after 6 months, we did not have opportunity to enjoy our weekend together, did not go out for shopping, movies, dining & other social activities. Everyday and night, everybody lead his/her own way with pens, papers, books and calculators. Even waktu tido pun tak sama. Sorang tido siang, sorang tido malam. At the moment, we don't have life and too much pressure. For me, this situation will never end until July 2012 - ayoyoo, lame lagi tu...

I wish one day, we can book a holiday and have our second honeymoon. I not really enjoyed my first honeymoon coz I was sick, too much jelly fish & awan yang kabus..Sampai semalam Acap asyik gelakkan Mast pasal muntah hijau je..jahat!!!

Opps...terasyik layan perasaan pulak. Actually Mast nak update list to do & records for my guest.

1. Yong & Yop visit
2. Zaggy's family
3. Auntie Sabariah visit
4. Lunch at Flemmings
5. Visit to Hitesh's house
6. Acap's football match
7. UK Emergency Budget
8. Plans for Gigi & Wana visit
9. Azam visit
10. My baby - boy or girl???
11. lagi satu, pasal tag k.apid..actually Mast pun tak faham..tengoklah, kalo rajin..hehehe

Ade sape-sape yang nak vote nak update cite ape dulu??

p/s: even after 6 months I got married, I never seen my wedding photo album yet. Buat name je ade 4 cameraman..Kesian tak???

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