Sunday, 2 May 2010

Another Year & Happiness for Zaggy!!!

Happy Birthday Zaggy!!!

Zakiah or also known as Zaggy by GSR, just celebrated her ??th birthday on 27th April 2010. But this year two of her sisters from Malaysia also joined us to celebrate the birthday party. As usual, every year & every birthday for GSR member, we just had a simple party at our kitchen and confirm ade present. Although it just a simple party, but we glad to be together and share all ups and downs moment together.

So, nak dedicate some wishes to Zakiah:-

May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires.
Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest
May all the wishes and dreams you dream today turn to reality - cepat-cepat cari boyfriend & kawin..hehehe (Hajar wishes supaya Angah cepat kahwin).

Eventhough you are getting older, but you still look younger & brighther & the most important, you're getting better and better.. kalo guna product Golden Horse Cosmetic, confirm Youth & Brightness Forever (sempat lagi nak promote Golden Horse..hehehe)

May your best years are still ahead of you. May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer. You'll always be forever young

Also, wishing the same to K.Rush who celebrated her ??th birthday on the same day with Zaggy. GSR miss MPC & can't wait to meet you again.

Also million congratulation to Zaggy & Khaliz who just got their ICAEW result on 30th April 2010. They passed Audit & Assurance paper with flying colours. Almost get prize winner award. Well Done!! They will celebrate their happiness with their family in May.

Further story will be updated later.. TUNGGGUUUU!!

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