Sunday, 28 March 2010

Kalaulah Hati Tidak Mencinta...

Bosannya tanpa teman hidup dihujung minggu.
Minggu lepas jumpa dia boleh dikatakan paling lama pun, tiga jam satu hari.
Minggu ni, tak akan jumpa dia langsung.
Minggu depan, tiada siapa yang tahu tapi kami tak rancang apa-apa untuk Easter holiday (hopefully, tak payah datang office).

Sakarang ini, terasa teramat lah penat dan sedih.
Macam rasa bila-bila masa boleh rebah.
Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan dan nikmat kesihatan.
Janganlah Engkau uji aku di saat-saat genting ini.
Engkau permudahkanlah segala pekerjaanku.
Engkau peliharalah orang-orang disekelilingku.

Selalu juga terfikir, macam mana orang boleh berumah tangga dan bertahan berpuluh-puluh tahun. Memang seronok, tapi agak meletihkan.
Rutin harian berubah seratus peratus selepas berkahwin.
Sekarang, sebelum ke pejabat kena siapkan sarapan si suami - dulu tak payah sarapan
Sekarang, sebelum ke ofis, kena kemas bilik, baju & buku - dulu kemas untuk sorangje
Sekarang, bila dah jadi senior di pejabat, hari-hari balik lambat - dulu 5.30pm terus balik
Sekarang, hari Sabtu kena keje - dulu weekend turun Dublin
Sekarang, bila weekend kena masak proper meal - dulu boleh makan biskut & milo je
Sekarang, bila study, kena make sure si suami tidak bosan - dulu boleh study nonstop

Bukan mengeluh tapi sekadar merenung tanggungjawab sekarang ini terlalu besar. Ini belum ade anak lagi. Kehidupan nanti akan lebih berubah. Adakah aku sudah bersedia untuk memperolehi cahaya mata? Rasanya aku masih belum mampu memikul tanggungjawab ini. Adakah jawapan ini lahir dari hati, akal, atau nafsu? Aku pun tidak tahu. Tapi yang pasti, aku takut gagal dalam kehidupan. Aku mahukan yang terbaik untuk semua terutamanya diri aku. Mungkin suatu hari nanti, akan lahirlah tanda ikatan cinta kami. Insya'allah. Kenapa aku boleh mencintainya? Mungkin cinta lahir dari hatiku.

"Hati!" tegur si dia.

"Ye, Cinta," aku sahut tegurannya.

"Pernah tak awak terfikir..." sambungnya, tiba-tiba berhenti.

"Terfikir apa?" aku menyoal, mengukir senyuman.

"Pasal nama kita..." mukanya berubah, termenung panjang.

"Pasal nama kita?" aku pun termenung, temani si dia.

"Tanpa Hati, tak wujud la Cinta, kan?"

Isi fikirannya tak dapat kutangkap.

"Maksud awak?" tenungan aku menjadi bingung.

"Hati tempat perasaan kita timbul, kan?" soal si dia, mencari pengesahan.

Aku mengangguk mengiyakan soalan.

"Dan cinta merupakan sebuah perasaan, kan?" ditanya pula, mencari jawapan.

Aku mengangguk lagi.

"Kalau macam tu..." raut wajahnya menjadi sayu. "Kalau awak takde, saya pun takde la."

"Cinta," kutegur setelah berfikir panjang."Kalau perasaan cinta tu takde, hati ni tak berguna la, kan?"

"Hhhhhmmmmmm........." panjang keluhannya sebelum tersenyum.

Tidaklah kita ketahui siapakah sebenarnya kita kasihi.

Kesusahan tetap akan melanda. Dugaan tetap akan diberikan.

God has created for you mates among yourselves, so you may have peace and contentment with each other, and He has put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs for those who reflect.

Al-Rum, 21

Surely, in the body there is a small piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted, and that is surely the heart.


Saturday, 27 March 2010

Introducing Flemmings & Ambassadors from Malaysia

Flemmings not only as a firm of Chartered Accountant, but as Financial Advisers, Property Consultants and Wealth Managers.

The Partners at Flemmings are all Chartered Accountants and have themselves experienced excellent training both from their own family businesses and from their professional training. They strive to do their best in ensuring that each and every client is treated as an individual and that their business, professional and personal aspirations are successfully achieved.

Staff are required to work to tight budgets and deadlines and are given responsibility from a very early stage. Each individual staff must have honesty, integrity and objectivity values in their work & life.

The followings are the most dedicated staff / Malaysian Ambassadors in Flemmings :)
(bukan perasan but we always hope and aim for the best)

Mastura - Property Department
Qina - Tax Department
Zakiah - Accounting & Payroll Department

Khaliz - International Department
Raf - used to work with Flemmings in Financial Services Department

Unique about Flemmings
- Partners and staffs are working hand in hand
- We are required to develop good commercial awareness through training and by reading the financial press regularly.
- We have to attend internal training on one Saturday a month and are required to prepare for and make presentations at our internal training sessions.
- Everyday, we have to sign in 15 minutes earlier to warm up i.e. daily planning
- Everyday, lunch is provided by the firm and we will celebrate all festives together
- No social loafing, gossiping and answering moblie are allowed in the firm (while working hour)
- Time is so valuable, so we have to record our work progress for every 15 minutes
- Although this firm is based in London, no locals or British in our firm because they are not as good as us, MALAYSIAN :)

To join Flemmings is not easy. Flemmings will only choose high calibre team of staff through very stringent recruitment procedures.

Anybody who is interested and very keen to complete ICAEW and to qualify as a Chartered Accountant, you are most welcome to join Flemmings - silalah hantar CV anda :)

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

UK 2010 Budget By Darling at Flemmings

Today was a very limited day to work. Out of 33 units, I spent:-
- 7 units meeting with Partners,
- 20 units watching UK 2010 Budget in training room
- 6 units to go through issues and problems in management account.

Due to time constraint, I ended up working until 7.00p.m.
- 4 units meeting with manager to finalise agreement with letting agents
- the remaining 6 units to assist my clients to purchase a new residential property (including appointing surveyor and solicitors)

To clarify further, everyday I have to work up to 33 units (8 hours), from 8.30a.m to 5.30a.m. However, by 8.15 a.m. everybody must be at the office (to on PC, tea & planning). By 8.30 sharp, head down and fingers start tapping on the keyboards. No gossiping, no social loafing and everybody focusing on their work. We have to record what we have done for every 15 minutes (equal to 1 unit). My office culture is very very straight. Most people think it is a crazy culture but, if we look at positive side, Flemmings is a good place for training.

Today, we have to watch UK Budget (live) and comments how does the new budget affect out department and clients. Tomorrow, we have to buy Financial Times and it need to be signed off by the Partners.

No lunch provided for today. Only brunch and fresh fruits for the day. Frankly speaking, I cannot accept today's food. I can't remember what does it called but its like; we are eating maruku+kerepek pisang and potato chopped with mango sos (mix everything together) - terus sakit kepala makan benda alah tu dan tak boleh nak fikir macam mane nak kira income tax. But the fruits were excellent (strawbery / honeydew / papaya / pineapple & plum).

Let's go through key points in today's budget

• 3p fuel duty rise to be phased in in three stages between April and January 2011 rather than in one go next month
• Cider duty to rise by 10% above inflation from midnight on Sunday
• Wine, beer and spirit duties to rise by 2% from midnight on Sunday and further 2% rise planned for two years from 2013
• Tobacco duty up 1% from midnight on Sunday and by 2% in real terms each year until 2014
• Stamp Duty scrapped for homes below £250,000 for first-time buyers, but only for two years
• Stamp duty on residential property sales over £1m to increase to 5% from April 2011
• Economy contracted 6% during the recession
• Predicted growth of 1% to 1.25% in 2010, in line with forecasts
• 2011 growth forecast lowered from 3.5% to 3-3.5%
• Borrowing this year forecast to be £167bn - £11bn lower than predicted in December
• Borrowing to fall from £163bn in 2010-11 to £74bn by 2014-15
• Public sector net debt to reach 54% of gross domestic product this year, increasing to 75% in 2014/15.
• £2.5bn package for small business to boost skills and innovation
• One year business rate cut from October to help 500,000 companies
• Investment allowance for small firms doubled to £100,000
• Doubling relief on capital gains tax for entrepreneurs but no change to capital gains tax rates
• £385m to maintain road network
• Canals body British Waterways to become charitable trust not sold off
• One-off bank bonus tax has raised £2bn, double the amount forecast
• Basic bank account guarantee for a million extra people
• RBS and Lloyds Bank Group to provide £94bn in small business loans
• Backs tax on bank transactions but on global basis
• New service to adjudicate credit disputes
• Six month work or training guarantee for under 24s extended to 2012
• Amount of time over-65s must work to receive work credits reduced
• Tax allowances for those on over £100,000 gradually removed. No changes to allowances for everyone else.
• Annual limits on Individual Savings Acounts (ISAs) will rise from £7,200 to £10,200 next month.
• No changes to VAT or income tax planned
• Inheritance tax threshold frozen for four years
• Clampdown on tax avoidance to raise £500m
• New tax agreements with Belize, Grenada and Dominica
• On track to achieve £11bn efficiency savings target by 2012-3
• Reform of housing benefit to save £250m
• 15,000 civil servants to be relocated outside London
• £2bn investment bank to back low-carbon industries such as offshore wind. Government to provide £1bn through asset sales
• Funding for 20,000 new university places in science and maths but institutions must make savings elsewhere
• £35m enterprise fund to help university-launched businesses
• Winter fuel allowance rates extended for further year
• £4 rise in child tax credit for parents with young children from 2012


Saturday, 20 March 2010

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

I just bought this book online from Amazon. Macam tak sabar nk tunggu buku ni sampai. So boleh share dengan yang lain. Let's check the summary and why I found this book is interesting and must read.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, is a self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. It has sold over 15 million copies in 38 languages since first publication, which was marked by the release of a 15th anniversary edition in 2004. Covey argues that effectiveness is achieved by aligning oneself to what he calls "true north" principles of a character ethic that he believes to be universal and timeless.

The chapters are dedicated to each of the habits, which are represented by the following imperatives:
Habit 1: Be Proactive: Principles of Personal Choice
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind: Principles of Personal Vision
Habit 3: Put First Things First: Principles of Integrity & Execution

Independence to Interdependence
Habit 4: Think Win/Win: Principles of Mutual Benefit
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood: Principles of Mutual Understanding
Habit 6: Synergize: Principles of Creative Cooperation

Continual Improvement
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw: Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal of body

Once I finish reading this book, I will share the contents and my personal comments.


Friday, 19 March 2010

Amarah Yang Terkalah

Yesterday (Thursday), was a stressful day! Why?? Let’s me list out the reasons. For details story, mak je yang tahu & faham dgn perangai anaknye ni 
1. Office & Outsourcing team
2. Nasi vs Burger
3. Pistachio & Almond vs Chesnutt
4. Post to Malaysia
Memang sangat disappointing, depressing and everything – semuanya perasaan yang datang dari Syaitan. Masa tu, perasaan marah memang dah membuak-buak and tak tahu nak kata ape tapi tak boleh nak marah. So, I just keep quiet and non-stop eating crisp, chocolate and mango. Suddenly macam ade satu bisikan yang menyeru kepada sesuatu.

Then, I straight away went to washroom, take wuduk , perform Asar, recite Al-Mathurat and translation, recite Yassin & translation, continue with Maghrib and recite An-Nisa’ & translation – ingat nak tunggu Isya’ tapi dah ade panggilan untuk dinner.

Apa yang Mast nak share kat sini ialah betapa insaf, kagum dan sejuk hati bila baca terjemahan ayat-ayat Mathurat tu. Perasaan marah terus lenyap dan boleh tersenyum sepanjang masa. Biasanya bila baca hari-hari tak rasa apa-apa – asyik kejar nak cepat habis je. So sesekali tu baca la terjemahan ayat-ayat yang terkandung dalam al-Mathurat dan jadikan amalan harian. It doesn’t constraint long time kalo baca dengan hati yang ikhlas.

Here, I have done a research, and would like to share with the readers untuk dijadikan penghayatan, pengajaran dan amalan.

1. Al- Ma'thurat merupakan wirid dan doa harian yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Baginda adalah orang yang paling mengetahui betapa besarnya ganjaran yang diperolehi dari amalan doa dan wirid tersebut...

2. Wirid, doa, zikir dan istighfar dalam Al- Ma'thurat ini akan memantapkan jiwa di samping memiliki keutamaan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Mendidik hati agar sentiasa merindui kepada Ilahi dan memberi kelapangan hidup dan kesihatan jasmani...

3. Bagi seorang muslim masanya tidak berlalu begitu saja. Dikala pagi dan petang ia sentiasa bertasbih, istighfar, tahmid dan berdoa kepada Allah dengan zikir yang ma'thur ( yg berasal daripada Nabi SAW )...

4. Jika sesiapa mengamalkan zikir Al- Ma'thurat ini akan merasakan perbezaannya dengan hari2 yang tidak dimulakan dengan zikir Al- Ma'thurat. Begitulah kekuatan doa2 dan wirid dalam Al- Ma'thurat ini sebagai senjata mukmin...

Kelebihan membaca Al Mathurat:
1. Tidak dihampiri syaitan
2. Rumah dan keluarganya terselemat dari perkara yang tidak diingini.
3. Allah mencukupkannya apa yang sangat diperlukan dari urusan dunia dan akhirat.
4. Orang yang membacanya kemudian dia mati pada hari atau malam tersebut maka Allah akan menjamin untuknya syurga.
5. Selamat dari segala sesuatu.
6. Allah menyempurnakan nikmatnya ke atas orang yang membacanya.
7. Allah berhak untuk meredhainya
8. Tidak ada sesuatu yang mendatangkan mudarat ke atasnya.
9. Terhindar daripada syirik.
10. Selamat dari bisa atau sengatan semua makhluk yang beracun.
11. Dimudahkan menyelesaikan hutang-hutang.
12. Berhak untuk mendapat syafaat pada hari kiamat.
13. Sesiapa yang membaca di waktu pagi,akan dipelihara oleh allah hingga ke waktu petang.Dan sesiapa yang membacanya di waktu petang akan dipelihara hingga ke waktu pagi.
14.Mengamalkannya umpama mengamalkan Sunnah Rasulullah dari sudut zikir dan berdoa, dan berbagai lagi kelebihan.

Selamat Beramal

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Contest: You & Me - Love Forever

My starting point to activate my blog and my first time join contest..

Orang gedik nak buat contest, kite pun gedik jugak la nak join contest..

Ni gambar with my hubby..takde la rapat sgt gambar tu, katenye xnak PDA & malu nak letak gamabar yg terlebih mesra..
But to me kemesraan & kasih sayang come from his renungan mata & my balasan senyuman..hehe

Anyway, happy anniversary buat Siti & Husband.. May you lovely moment with family forever.. Isya'Allah

Let's start it again!!

Helloo...welcome back MASTURA MOKHTAR!
Now, I'm here with a new status..No longer Miss MOKHTAR!
Now I am Mrs Ashraf (but I am still introducing myself as Miss Mokhtar - sorry Mr Ashraf, dah terbiasa la)

Initially, this blog is not for publish.. it just for my online diary, nobody can view it - mase zaman sorang2 dulu terlebih emo especially bile xde sape2 around kite.
Now, its a time to share - happiness of life, work experiance, travelling, networking and ape2 je la.

Actually, nothing much to say for this entry..

Plan for the day:-
- Basuh & sidai baju
- Solat Dhuna & Al Waqiah
- Iron baju utk seminggu
- Change duvet cover & curtain
- Reserach for property market
- Edit photos for my quarterly report
- Revising about Profit for Unrelaised Profit (PURP)
- Lunch at Dosai Chutney with my hubby - nan & curry
- Waiting for my online groceries & organise them
- Update personal account & cashflow
- Helping my hubby planning for his Eorupe trip
- One movie for the day
- Reading financial time & utusan - update pasal UK election

Have a lovely weekend everyone.. Hopefully everyday will be a good day and tomorrow will be better than yesterday.